Jul 31, 2018
This is Part 3 of 3 in our wife swap adventures saga with Mike & Rachel. This is the very first couple that we fooled around with sexually. We discuss the erotic details of our next sexy date. We then cover the top 6 takeaways & lessons that we got from this relationship experience.
1. We met at a hotel for a wife swap...
Jul 30, 2018
This episode is Part 2 of 3 in the Mike & Rachel saga of naughty adventures. This is the first couple we swapped with. We discuss our next two dates & sexual encounters.
1. We met at a Wine Tasting at a fancy private club & had cigars. Isis & Mike got naughty in the bathroom.
2. We met at a hotel for a wife swap. It...
Jul 13, 2018
In the next 3 episodes we are going to tell you all about our first wife swap experience that we had in the lifestyle. This recording is Part 1 of 3. We started with a soft swap with oral & it was awesome. We're about to give you all the details about how we met Mike & Rachel & how our friendship grew over the course of...